Self-Study – Foundation training in the basics of the Cued Speech system
By the end of this course our aim is that you will be able to apply your knowledge of HOW to cue to any word you wish.
Unlimited access to a series of short films with quizzes and exercises to help you practice – approximately6 to 10 hours of learning that you can complete at a pace that suits you.
Individual and group licences are available.
The full course costs only £40 for an individual, or organisations can buy a licence for 10 accounts for only £250! To sign up, click the link below:
Cued Speech Learning
Pay for a group Self-study licence here for only (£40):
Pay for the Self-Study Group Licence here (250):
Foundation Group Training for Professionals – Live Online Course
By the end of this training you will be able to apply your understanding of how to cue to any word you wish.
Six one-hour lessons delivered as live classes using the on-line video messaging platform zoom.
Please enquire in the first instance to discuss times/dates as group clases are dependent on demand. Our tutors normally run classes on Tuesday evenings but we can often be flexible on this.
Students receive a recording of each lesson to download and will be set homework assignments at each lesson (expected home study time approximately 1 hour a week). Up to seven students can attend each course. This is a rolling program with regular launch dates, contact CS UK for next available training. An attendance certificate will be sent to students who have fully engaged with this training and completed the final homework assignment.
Students study in their own homes or work places.
Equipment required:
We recommend that you use a lap-top or computer for good screen size but students do successfully use tablets and phones, try to ensure you are well-lit. You will regularly have documents emailed to you and you will need to print out at least the CS Chart.
*For groups bookings, we recommend you contact our offices, and we can raise one invoice to cover the group.
£120 for the full course
Book an individual online session with a CueTutor, suitable for one to one work or small groups of up to 6, content and number of sessions to be negotiated at booking.
Great for working on specific skills, getting questions answered and assessing progress. You may book as many of these as you wish.
£48 for extra individual lessons